Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your being, and all your strength. These words that I am commanding you today must always be on your minds. Recite them to your children. Talk about them when you are sitting around your house and when you are out and about, when you are lying down and when you are getting up.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
A parable is a simple story that teaches and illustrates a spiritual lesson. Jesus told many parables in the Gospels.
The Gospels are in the New Testament of the Bible. Parables are found in Matthew, Mark and Luke. These are the first books of the Bible in the New Testament. Many people were farmers where Jesus told His parables. Many of Jesus’ parables are stories about farming and agriculture. This helped people better understand the lessons in the stories or parables.
The Parable of the Sower
Gratitude Art Treasure Hunt
Can you find and draw all of these things that you are grateful for?
Grateful Prayer
Father we thank thee …
Grateful Playlist
Show your gratitude through song and dance
Grateful Mess
Color/paint and use as placemats. Say a prayer of thanks for your food before you eat. Get messy with pumpkin slime.
Grateful Writing/
What do you give thanks for in your life? Keep a journal and be thankful everyday. Make a paper chain with thanks statement on each link.
Grateful Games
God is good- have gratitude for His love and His gifts.