All are welcome to experience a Service of healing and hope.

What is a Blue Christmas Service?  A Blue Christmas Service is held on or near the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, and it is centered around the fact that the holidays arenot always joyful and happy for people.  For many, it is the darkest time of the year in moreways than sunlight as they struggle with grief and loss, living with uncertainty in relation to jobs or health, and anxiety.

A Blue Christmas service takes the time to acknowledge these realities and focuses on hope that the darkness does not last forever.  As the night it is celebrated on is the darkest of the year, that means that the next day is going to be just a little brighter.

Come and join us on Friday, December 20, at 7:00 pm for this meaningful service. All are welcome:  those who are feeling blue, those who need a change of pace from the holiday frenzy, and those who just need to hear a little bit more about the hope we have in Christ for a brighter tomorrow.