
Heather Wilson is a graduate from New Brunswick Theological Seminary with a Master’s of Divinity. She enjoys reading, writing, singing, playing piano, and baseball, and somehow manages to work in the Chicago Cubs into almost every sermon she gives (fair warning). She has lived in Pennsylvania for the past seven years and prior to that, lived on the Western Slope of Colorado, though she grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. She is grateful to be doing God's work in many different ways and is looking forward to her time at Clover Hill Reformed Church.

Office Administrator

Lynn- E. Totten is the office administrator for Clover Hill Reformed Church.  She received her A. S. degree in Commercial Art and Graphic Design, from Harcum Junior College of Bryn Mawr, PA in 1981.  After 12 years of experiencing the working world through film development and camera sales, traveling Graphic Inspector, Travel Agent, and Home Daycare Provider she received the offer to fill the office admin position for the church.  Lynn- and her husband, Barry, joined Clover Hill in 1986.  In addition to the office work, Lynn- has assisted on the Youth Group Advisor Team, participated in mission work, and a monthly Bible study and continues to be a part of the senior adult choir.  Lynn- enjoys taking pictures, crocheting, dancing, the beach and watching movies. She currently resides in Easton, PA with her husband Barry.  Their son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren reside in Lancaster, PA and their daughter in the Philadelphia area.


Music Minister

George Farrell is the Music Minister at Clover Hill Reformed Church.

He had the opportunity to live in Rome for a year and studied in the Institute of Spirituality at the Pontifical Institute of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum). He taught high school Theology and served as the Campus Minister. 

After ordination, George was an Associate Pastor for 11 years and then served as a pastor of a bi-lingual parish for almost 14 years. He currently serves the Diocese as Property Manager at a retirement home.

Each morning, he and two others attempt to conquer the NY Times Crossword Puzzle.

George loves to sing and to encourage others to do so for the greater honor and glory of God. He enjoys cooking, eating, and watching crime shows and some would say, loves to talk!