Engineering Ministries International

 The Consistory has committed us to an on going mission partnership with Jason Reinhardt in his work at Engineering Ministries International. Jason’s utilization of his skills as an engineer to bring practical aid to impoverished people, in the name of God, is a direct extension of our work here in Clover Hill. Please make your checks out to the church, write “eMi” in the memo and we will funnel the money directly to Jason’s work. You can send your checks to the Church Office, 890 Amwell Road, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 or you can drop your check into the offering plate during worship.

A message from eMI

Dear Supporters, Friends, and Partners,

Read how your prayers and support are making an impact on a community in the Dominican Republic.  Through the parable of the sower EMI is able to spiritually and professionally disciple the farmers of the Guayabal village.  You can read more in our blog update: 

Thank you for your generous partnership and Kingdom investment.  You can donate online by clicking here.

Jason and Jalina Reinhardt


eMi...designing a world of hope

130 East Kiowa Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO  80903
office: +1-719-633-2078 ext. 111, fax: +1-719-633-2970